Acts for Social Change
Stuck for ideas on what themes or real-world activities your readers can get involved with? Then look no further! Here are some ideas your kids can take on and grapple with!
Watch them change the world!
Power, Prejudice, Oppression, Inequality, Environmental Justice, Diversity
Racism, Gender Inequality, Climate Change, Poverty, Human Rights, Animal Rights, Immigration, Bullying, Education, Disability, Stereotypes
Write to your local MSP!
Take part in sponsored events to raise money and awareness!
Take part in eco-school projects!
Create posters to hang around school!
Make suggestions of how we could improve the school!
Celebrate diversity!
Learn about different cultures and religions!
And finally… ask your class for their opinions about what to do! They may surprise you with actions that didn’t occur to you! The options for acts for social change are endless if we work together!